If you are self-employed, please list the name of the entity that is on your paycheck. Please list your line of work. "Business Person" is not acceptable, please enter the type of business instead. We respectfully request that Partners of Partnerships and Members of LLC's contribute individually, instead of through their respective business entity. By completing this form, you confirm that the following statements are true and accurate:
• I am not a foreign national who lacks permanent residence in the United States.
• This contribution is made from my own funds, and not those of another.
• Under Maryland Law, a person (including individuals, corporations, associations, and partnerships) may contribute no more than $6000 to one Maryland State Campaign Committee during an election cycle.
• The current election cycle is 01/01/23 through 12/31/2026.
• Contributions to political campaigns are not tax deductible.
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Contributions are payable to:
Committee to Elect Sitting Judge Donnell W. Turner
Mail Checks to: P.O. Box 699, Bowie, MD 20718
Zelle Payments at:
Thank you for your support. Please complete the form below to make your contribution.